Huntington’s plus
A ground-breaking study has identified a single molecule of a toxic protein segment called PolyQ as the trigger for Huntington’s disease. By flooding cells with specific proteins that counteract its effects, they were able to prevent its spread. This promising finding paves the way for the development of potential drugs to slow the advancement of Huntington’s, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Source: NPR
Using AI to prevent childhood blindness
Researchers from the UK, Brazil, Egypt, and the US have developed a deep learning artificial intelligence (AI) model that can identify infants at risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a leading cause of childhood blindness. The model, trained on over 7,400 images of newborns’ eyes, was found to be as effective as senior ophthalmologists in detecting ROP. By automating diagnostics, the AI model aims to improve access to screening and prevent blindness in underserved areas with limited neonatal services and few trained ophthalmologists.
Source: University College London
Juice cleanse benefits?
Cleanses, which involve drinking only fruit and vegetable juice for a certain period, claim to help with weight loss and detox. Yet, the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy is scarce. Though some claim benefits such as weight loss, mental clarity, and increased energy, experts caution that these diets lack essential nutrients, deprive the body of fiber and protein, and offer only temporary results. Instead, a balanced diet, hydration, and regular exercise are advised for long-term health and wellness.
Source: CBS News
Common dry-cleaning chemical linked to Parkinson’s disease
A paper published in March found important “circumstantial” evidence linking the chemical trichloroethylene (TCE) to the doubling of diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease. TCE has been manufactured and sold globally since the 1920s. The chemical is found in many items such as cleaners, degreasing agents, and is even used to decaffeinate coffee. Prolonged exposure has been linked to specific cancers. The paper emphasizes the importance of cleanup for TCE-contaminated sites and advocates for a full-on ban of the chemical.
Source: The Defender
The power of early time-restricted eating
A form of intermittent fasting can improve blood glucose level fluctuations, according to new research. The study compared early time-restricted feeding, where participants consumed 80% of their calories before 1 p.m., with a usual eating pattern. Results showed that early time-restricted feeding reduced the time spent with elevated blood glucose levels. Researchers believe this approach may help individuals with pre-diabetes or obesity maintain normal blood sugar levels and prevent progression to type 2 diabetes.
Source: Endocrine Society
The rise of sleep tourism
Most people use their staycations to catch up on sleep, but what if you could do that while travelling? This niche trend of tourism is gaining in popularity with sleep-centric stays popping up everywhere. However, can short-term sleep-focused travel actually help with personal sleeping patterns? Sleep experts say that it can be extremely beneficial but warn that if someone is not seeing any progress, an undiagnosed sleep disorder may be the problem.
Source: CNN
Smarter mobility
With the potential to gliding more nimbly around corners and helping to push or pull heavier loads, Professor Matthews Nienhaus and team from Saarland University in Germany work may well be transform around in the wheelchair, walker and hospital bed industry. His project called, MOSE-Pro works by using motor sensory which collects necessary data for maneuverability.
Source: Saarland University