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How practitioners can inform research

A new guide on knowledge transfer and exchange outlines the points of interaction between researchers and the stakeholders who can make use of research findings. A time-worn

Embracing gender equity and diversity

We all remember how confusing and complicated our younger years were. Not only were we discovering  ourselves for the first time and adventuring within our own

Healthcare trajectories for people living with dementia

Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a set of symptoms affecting brain function has a significant impact on health care systems and individual lives. It is not a


Breathless Tales By Ari Ciment MD This anthology isn’t just a collection of memoirs: it’s a journey through the intricate tapestry of the healthcare system. Breathless tales

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs up…to Brazil’s climate change efforts that have resulted in the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest being halved in 2023—the lowest rate in 5 year. Often

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Abilities Magazine

A magazine serving a cross-disability network

Today's Kids

A national resource for parents raising kids with disabilities

Caregiver Solutions

Canada’s trusted source for care giving advice

Rehab & Community Care

Canada’s magazine for rehab, geriatric, and pediatric professionals
