Healthcare Reading Top Stories
Schizophrenia treatment The Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Ontario Shores are working on a new demonstration project. The goal is to improve outcomes to advance treatment, strengthen care delivery and training to implement the standards based on individual needs. Four sites across the country will receive a national toolkit and education to ensure […]
Healthcare Research Top Stories
With the introduction of new technologies pressing challenges are being tackled. Innovation is pushing boundaries and traditional practices are being disrupted. Here are but a few of the inventions we’ve been watching. Giving hikers a boost In a marriage of outdoor gear and robotics, Arc’teryx and Skip have introduced MO/GO, the first pair of high-tech powered […]
Healthcare Top Stories
In the face of what’s difficult, compassion motivates us to try and relieve people from physical, mental or emotional suffering. After introducing Joe and Iris Lawley and Bill and Joan Henderson, both about to lose their sons, a young Anglican assistant chaplain, Reverend Simon Stephens at England’s Warwickshire Hospital, recognized the power of connecting young […]
As health professionals, many of us do our best to be positive, glass half full people spreading words of encouragement to our clients and those around us. Throughout the year, I’m invited to be a speaker for various professional organizations and consumer groups across the country. Wherever I am, and whatever my topic, I like […]
Top Stories Research
Developmental cognitive neuroscience A child whose amygdala grows unusually rapidly during the first two years of life tends to have more anxiety at ages 6 to 12 than do children with typical growth, regardless of diagnosis or family history of autism.Source: Dementia-friendly tourism Research shows that travelling gives people living with dementia the
Innovators Top Stories
Social workers in public libraries: An emerging area of practice that develops referral pathways Librarianship in North America is becoming increasingly more holistic with staff continuing to advocate for open, equitable access to resources and information, responsive service and awareness of needs.  Created to empower and advocated for vulnerable groups while building
Research Top Stories
Menstrual Stem-Cells  AUSTRALIAA biologist Caroline Gargett went in search of some remarkable cells in tissue that had been removed during hysterectomy surgeries. The cells come from the endometrium, which lines the inside of the uterus. Before she could claim that the cells were truly stem cells, the team had to put them through a series […]