Research Top Stories
Switzerland: Université de Fribourg Breast Cancer Cells Can Travel to Brain Cancer cells can travel. They typically move through circulatory systems. Referred to as metastatic cancers, they are more aggressive and harder to fight than the primary tumour. Now, scientists have found that brain metastasis is becoming increasingly common in patients with advanced breast
Frontlines Healthcare
‘Resilience’ is an indoor/outdoor assistive device concept that functions as a motorized wheelchair with hidden wheels. Designers Lee, Hong, Shin and Park use flexible plastic components and a robust aluminum frame that boasts a leather covered armrest controller, a transparent tail light. Created to recreate the chair design found in cinema houses or luxurious hospitality
Long Term Care
Enabling a promising future for LTC? It doesn’t take much to figure out that Canada is becoming super-aged nation with LTC underfunding, waitlists, staffing shortages, inconsistencies in care delivery and standards.  However, as the daughter of a mother who endured a challenging decade in a less than ideal long term care facility in Eastern Ontario, […]
Technology Top Stories
Canada’s increasing need for healthcare services and rapid change in medical knowledge, said to double every 73 days, calls for innovative education, diagnostic and monitoring tools. Perhaps the phrase the ‘future is here’ is a little overused, but whether its telehealth, robotics, wearables or neurofeedback solutions, there is certainly a rush to the finish line […]