Thumbs down…to London Police Service for failing to notify the public that safer supply hydromorphine was being widely diverted local communities. Addiction experts suggest that the result of this non-disclosure was not only new addictions but also pills easily getting into the hands of youth. Of note, the number of hydromorphine tablets being seized in this region of Ontario has increased five-fold and continues to grow.
Source: Centre for Responsible Drug Policy

Thumbs UP…to the US Government for lessons learned during COVID. They’ve just contracted Moderna, ahead of another potential pandemic, to develop and make 176 million vaccines that would be ready to work against the bird flu. Better safe than sorry.

Thumbs down…to rumours that dark chocolate is unsafe to eat given the presence of heavy metals like lead and cadmium which impact the brain and nervous system. According to environmental scientists, who tested more than a hundred dark and milk chocolate bars sold in North America, are safe for adults and only if eaten in large amounts do they pose a slight risk for young children. Researchers noted that dark chocolate contained high levels of important nutrients like copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc… some even had more than 50% if the prescribed daily nutritional value for kids and adult.
Source: Tulane University

Thumbs down…to semaglutide side effects which, among other things have caused patients to have a 7x greater risk of developing a rare eye condition (NAION). Warnings have been issued by the eye experts at the Royal College of Opthamologists in London.

Thumbs UP…to Sierra Leone for finally bringing in a new law that bans child marriage for girls under age of 18. Fathers who often forcibily give their daughters hands in marriage at a young age will be jailed for at least 15 years or fined $4,000 or both.
Source: BBC